
  • 1-99 Burns St New Haven, CT, 06511, USA - East Rock
    In order to avoid traffic light on Whitney and East Rock road, drivers are using Burns/Everit to cut to East Rock road. Avoiding Whitney Av / East Rock road traffic light seems to be mostly among drivers that already tend to drive aggressively and significantly over the speed limit. That makes crossing on Burns street dangerous, especially from drivers turning left from Whitney, probably paying more attention to incoming traffic rather than pedestrian crossing. Installing speed bump on Burns St. to slow down speeding drivers would improve pedestrian safety, and potentially discourage some drivers from avoiding traffic light in the first place. Alternatively, the city could also consider turning Burns St. into one way street from Everit/East Rock, to Whitney Ave.
  • Phone found Archiviert
    102 Canner Street New Haven, Connecticut - East Rock
    White Samsung phone found, T-Mobile network. It's locked, but we can see messages on the front screen. Please ask "Amor" to send a message with a phone number that I should call. I will then let you know where to pick it up.
  • 774-830 Whitney Avenue New Haven, Connecticut - Prospect Hill
    Pedestrian crossing sign on Ogden St. / Whitney Ave corner, just in front of St. Thomas school, is knocked down.
  • Stolen bag Archiviert
    812-830 Whitney Avenue New Haven, Connecticut - Prospect Hill
    Stolen bag was found on our property. Police came, but since there was no wallet or ID inside they didn't want to take it. If this is your bag (or know a person that was robbed on Sunday), please let us know. To identify you as a rightful owner, please describe what was inside the bag.