Passyunk Square

Vấn đề Mở: 96 Vấn đề đã Đóng: 336 Vấn đề đã Ghi nhận: 21
Quan sát các vấn đề được tạo sau: 2009-06-02

Passyunk Square

6th to Broad Streets and
Washington Avenue to Tasker Street

Nhận Thông báo Về

  • Horrible stench Acknowledged
    739 Earp St Philadelphia, PA 19147 - Passyunk Square
    There is an horrible stench coming from this house that is so bad the neighbors a half block in any direction can no longer open their windows. And there's a rat problem now, too. What is the smell? Who knows? Cats/dogs/death?
  • 612 Washington Ave Philadelphia, PA - Queen Village
    The yard behind Saigon Maxim, a restaurant located at 612 Washington Avenue, is abused as an open-air trash pit. The refuse from the restaurant is left to putrify on the ground in half-open garbage bags, carelessly tossed on the ground or into the open bed of a beat up trash truck. The residents of the 600 block of Federal St are most affected as their windows face the yard and the rodents come and go via the gate on Federal St.
  • Latona St Philadelphia, PA - Passyunk Square
    Cheesesteak wrappers, soda cups and cheesefry sleeves are strewn through the entirety of South Philadelphia, emblazoned with logos that make it easy to point a finger at the two biggest culprits. Pat's and Geno's need to provide more waste receptacles and should donate resources to aid in the trash clean-up that's organized by the Passyunk Square Civic Association.
  • 1400-1408 S Broad St Philadelphia, PA 19147, USA - Passyunk Square
    Everyday this car wash let's all of its soap and chemicals run over the sidewalk and puddle in the street. The sidewalk is always very slippery due to the constant soapy water. Strong chemical usage is also evident due to the erosion of the cement in the sidewalk. It is a shame that this continues on a very prominent corner on Broad street after being reported on seeclickfix several times.
  • 606 Washington Ave Philadelphia, PA - Passyunk Square
    Overflowing dumpsters, illegal construction dumping
  • 12th And Tasker Philadelphia, PA - Passyunk Square

    There's a black Mercedes SUV that everyday is parked either in the crosswalk, or in between the crosswalk and the parking sign on the southeast corner. it has florida license plate E89 4??. It also has a PA 'Police Business' sign on the dashboard. I'm not sure what police business it has blocking the cross walk for the past month (and more).

    Also, if you go into google street view, you can see it illegally parked in the crosswalk too! Who knows old that is. I'm including that in the photo too.

  • 1308 Tasker St Philadelphia, PA 19148, USA - Passyunk Square
    Tasker between Broad and Juniper is very dark. A small alley behind PGW makes the block more treacherous for commuters of Broad Street Subway, 29 bus, and C bus. If pedestrian lights are not an option, PGW should install a security light alongside the building.
  • 809 Federal St Philadelphia, PA - Passyunk Square
    A wall on the NW corner house on 8th and Federal is falling over. It is on the Federal Street side of the house. Presently, a neighbor has a 4 x 4 pinned to a construction horse holding the wall up. This is the same house where windows have fallen out and the roof has bowed down and is caving in. Oh, and it also has a huge gaping hole in the sidewalk where the bilco doors used to be...which is now covered by some plywood. And the awning is hanging on by a thread. But I don't think there is any ruish to do anything just yet...I mean no one has been killed there yet so don't worry about it. Wait until the wall collapses on a small child and the City makes national news as the pull a dead kid out from underneath the rubble.
  • Dog Barking Archived
    1230 Peters Street Philadelphia, PA 19147 - Passyunk Square
    Someone keeps their pit-bull mix dog in their their tiny backyard. The backyard is also full of junk, so this poor dog has no space and no shelter and barks non-stop to be let in the house. This is extremely annoying to the neighbors (especially at 5am), and not very humane to the dog. 12 hours a day of barking/whining can drive anyone crazy.
  • Two Abandon cars Acknowledged
    814 Wharton St Philadelphia, PA 19147, USA - Passyunk Square

    There are two abandon cars on the 800 block of Wharton st. Both are Station wagons. The first has been disabled for two years, yet has magically received inspection stickers. It is a Green Chevy Dart parked on the North side of the street (815 Wharton).

    The second is a blue station wagon with wood paneling. It has been parked for there for 7 months. It broke down and the owner promised to have it towed, but never returned. The vehicles are large and take up two parking spots as well as attract garbage and rodents.

  • 1300 Washington Ave Philadelphia, PA 19147, USA - Passyunk Square
    Double whammy from 13th through auto repair shop, forget the name, and a discount furniture store both with double parked cars, signage and and employees blocking the bicycle lane. Traffic in the right lane moves quickly, so it can be harrowing getting around the obstacles.
  • 1300 Block Of Washington Ave Philadelphia, PA - Passyunk Square

    #94056 has been archived but the problem has not gone away.

    Please FIX this problem -- don't just archive it. This is unsafe for bicyclists - and the store is using the public right-of-way and putting bicyclists in the way of high-speed motorists.