Lake Shore Estates

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Quan sát các vấn đề được tạo sau: 2018-01-08

Road and flooding and drainage problems for over 10 years promised to be repaired

Nhận Thông báo Về

  • Pothole Archived
    32 Citrus Dr Palm Harbor, FL, 34684, USA - Palm Harbor
    Excessive and horrible potholes are on our street which is ruining our car tires. Road work is being done however the potholes are ridiculous to drive over and would like something to be done for a smoother ride.
  • 94south Canal Drive Palm Harbor, Florida - Palm Harbor
    Pothole needs patching until the major roadwork in freshwater estates takes place.
  • Road Issue Acknowledged
    32 Citrus Dr Palm Harbor, FL, 34684, USA - Palm Harbor
    The road crew on my street (Citrus Drive) has broken 2 of my sprinkler heads in my yard. I would like them replaced ASAP as I will not be able to water the rest of my lawn until they are replaced. Please contact me via phone at 727-424-4974 or have someone come by my home.