linda mcentire

Vấn đề Mở: 2 Vấn đề đã Đóng: 1 Vấn đề đã Ghi nhận: 0
Quan sát các vấn đề được tạo sau: 2010-04-13

the neighborhood is watching and living with everyday needing someone to help fix

Nhận Thông báo Về

  • Broken Wall Archived
    Sam Wilson Rd. & Kim Dr Charlotte, NC 28214, USA - Wildwood
    A year ago or so, someone (most likely a drunk driver) drove into the entrance wall at the beginning of the "Wildwood" neighborhood. It has never been repaired and is very unsightly.
  • 9140 Blackheath Circle Charlotte, NC - Wildwood
    Trash is consistently dumped in the wooded area behind Units A-F. People have dumped furniture, trash, beer cans, bottles etc.
  • 10100-10109 Moores Chapel Road Charlotte, North Carolina - Wildwood
    There have already been multiple accidents including 2 fatal and 1 with a school bus. The most concerning time is in the morning between 6:30 am and 8:00 am when people are taking children to school. This road leads to Whitewater Academy, Whitewater Middle and a small church daycare. There is also a new dealership and of course the Whitewater Center (more issues during warmer weather) There needs to be a light with a turn lane at this intersection. To avoid the intersection people are cutting through the parking lot of the corner store or the neighborhood next to this area. This area has grown very quickly and needs a safe way to get through!