COBI Public Works PLUS

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Quan sát các vấn đề được tạo sau: 2010-01-09

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  • 300 High School Road Ne Bainbridge Island, Washington - Bainbridge Island
    Small jewelry shop on High School Road has a traffic-blocking sign at the curb in front of the exiting from the Island Crossings garage have great difficulty seeing oncoming traffic adequately. ALSO, large loosely-tied banner hangs from the awning of the jewelry shop ...oddly, covering a sign on a large window. Why so much signage for such a small shop ????? No other business on Bainbridge has so much signage.
  • 8223-8349 Ne Day Rd Bainbridge Island, WA 98110, USA - Bainbridge Island
    Bicycles and Motorcycles are not recognized by trafic signals.
  • Pleasant Beach Dr. Bainbridge Island, WA - Bainbridge Island

    The stretch of Pleasant Beach Dr. from Pritchard's place to the entrance of Ft. Ward State Park has a posted speed limit of 25 mph. It's not possible to safely drive this fast on that stretch of road. The road is so narrow that cars have to slow down to 15mph or less if an oncoming vehicle approaches. Many times it requires pulling into a homeowner's driveway to allow the oncoming vehicle to pass. There are 2 areas with blind bends in the road and one where it is virtually one lane. Add to this all of the people walking their dogs, jogging, cycling, and the numerous vehicles (some towing boats) heading to and from the State Park, it's just not safe. With proposed reduced speed limits on Feb. 24th's Council Meeting Agenda, I am wondering if Council will consider including dropping the speed limit to a maximum of 20mph along this stretch of Plesant Beach Dr. COBI is at risk by having an unsafe speed limit posted in this area. The State Park recognized the need for reduced speed on this road and has posted a 15mph speed limit once the road reaches its boundary. Thank you for your time and consideration. AND THANK YOU FOR SEECLICKFIX! :-)

    Sorry my computer skills aren't sophisticated enough to allow me to include a photo or Flip video.

  • 641 Eagle Cliff Rd Ne Bainbridge Island, WA 98110, USA - Bainbridge Island
    Domestic geese and ducks are being kept in an area zoned for residential use. This violation has been on-going and has been reported since Jan 2010. Additionally, livestock housing is less than 200 feet from existing residential buildings, which is also in violation of COBI zoning codes
  • 9901-10009 Sportsman Club Rd Ne Bainbridge Island, WA 98110, USA - Bainbridge Island
    Bicycles and motorcycles are not recognized by the traffic signals.
  • Washington 305 Bainbridge Island, WA 98110, USA - Bainbridge Island
    Bicycles and motorcycles are not recognized by traffic signals.
  • New Brooklyn Road Ne @ Madison Ave N Bainbridge Island, WA 98110, USA - Bainbridge Island

    This busy intersection is already very difficult to negotiate. Especially during peak school hours. To exit New Brooklyn Road onto North or Southbound Madison can take a very long time. Especially during school dropoff and pickup times. Many cars back up on New Brooklyn waiting for breaks in traffic (which can be a long time during peak school times).

    With the new care facility under construction on the east part of this intersection and with the proposed office park construction at the Xmas Tree Farm on nearly the whole length of New Brooklyn Road between North Town Woods and Madison Avenue, it is clear that better processing of traffic at the intersection of New Brooklyn and Madison Avenue is needed.

    The current design also is deficient due to the poor sight line for cars trying to exit New Brooklyn due to the hillside blocking the view of oncoming southbound traffic on Madison Avenue.

  • 11055-11199 Sunrise Dr Ne Bainbridge Island, WA - Bainbridge Island
    The current 2 stop signs are not adequate for traffic control since Bay Hay has added the storefront on Sunrise, increasing the traffic there. I've seen near misses since many assume it's a 4-way stop like most of the other intersections in this area. Please add two stop signs on Valley Rd and the "4 WAY" placard (4 ea) before an accident occurs here.
  • 16300 Agate Point Road N.E. Bainbridge Island WA, USA - Bainbridge Island
    Large industrial barges are anchored during most of the year in this residential, natural beachfront area.
  • 10784 Valley Rd Ne Bainbridge Island, WA 98110, USA - Bainbridge Island
    City owned road end has been completely covered with gravel and is being used as RV parking by adjacent property owner.
  • 4463 Pleasant Beach Dr Ne - Bainbridge Island
    Recent paving makes impervious surfaces seem to exceed limits on lot coverage
  • High School Rd. And Sportsman Club Rd. Bainbridge Island, WA 98110, USA - Bainbridge Island
    The intersection at High School Rd. and Sportsman Club Rd. is a very busy one, especially in the morning and afternoon (before & after school). It is also a high-pedestrian area, with many kids crossing through there on their way to and from school. I think it definitely needs crosswalks for two reasons. First, it would remind drivers to check for pedistrians before entering the intersection. And second, it would hopefully guide kids to cross the street safely. I have seen many kids cutting across the road whenever they see a break in traffic, rather than crossing right at the stop signs.