City of Fremont

Vấn đề Mở: 174 Vấn đề đã Đóng: 262 Vấn đề đã Ghi nhận: 0
Quan sát các vấn đề được tạo sau: 2011-11-11

Nhận Thông báo Về

  • Mission Blvd Fremont, CA - East Industrial
    Several large potholes located at Mission Blvd west bound leading into highway 880 entrance, have been there for 2, 3 months. The potholes are in the inner lane right pass the intersection of Mission Blvd & Warm Spring Blvd. It is dangerous for motocyclists and automobile drivers specailly at night.
  • 46838 Fernald St Fremont, CA 94539, USA - Warm Springs
    About 100ft patch of this road is very very rough. Never seen anything as bad in residential neighborhood in USA. Its like that for more than 6 months now.
  • 34277-34299 Ardenwood Blvd Fremont, CA 94555, USA - Ardenwood
    Heavy graffiti on bush shelter
  • 35011 Sellers Ct Fremont, CA 94536, USA - Fremont
    This graffiti and others just like it have lined the sidewalks and walls for months now. The city officials responsible for this area should be ashamed of themselves and in my opinion are lazy Nazis for allowing this to continue with no regard to the people who love here and see it every day. Whoever you are you should quit your job to make room for someone who can actually work
  • Many Potholes Archived
    41786 Osgood Rd Fremont, CA 94539, USA - Cameron Hills
    Many potholes on both sides of this narrow stretch of road. Also most of the bots dots and reflectors are missing from people swerving to the center of the road to avoid the potholes. This is an accident waiting to happen. Cars travelling in both dir
    ections swerve to the center to avoid potholes on an already narrow road with missing road markers. This can easily cause a head-on accident. I''ve almost gotten into an accident like this and have seen it almost happen to others as well.
  • Fremont Blvd And S Grimmer Rd Fremont, California - East Industrial
    Excessive debris remains in the bicycle lane heading southbound on Fremont Blvd. this presents an unsafe riding condition.
  • Intersection Of Washington And Palm Avenue Fremont, CA - Mission San Jose
    The left turn lane coming from Washington into Palm Avenue has huge potholes in the turn lane which have been ignored when the surfacing has been done. This is dangerous and a disaster waiting specially for motorcyclists turning or braking over potholes in traffic.
  • 3453 Atwater Ct Fremont, CA 94536, USA - Fremont
  • pothole Archived
  • Graffiti Archived
    Northgate Community Park Fremont, CA - Northgate
    there are numerous patches of graffiti all of this park and have been reported dozens of times along with the people that spray paint the graffiti in daylight and have yet to be caught the playground has been vandalized by the same people about four months ago these city workers place caution tape around the places where slides where held up by large bolts and now only the bolts are left sticking up out of the ground for children to fall on every day there are large amounts of garbage from the main street that has been left there for nearly a year. I think it's time to let go of the workers that don't work and hire new workers that don't take 2 hour naps every day on community time in city vehicles.
  • 47427 Fremont Blvd Fremont, California - Baylands
    Southbound bicycle lane between 47375 Fremont and 47427 Fremont. North of the fire hydrant. The bump is difficult for cyclists to see due to the dense shade of the stone pine trees.
  • 698 Fontes Drive Fremont, California - Mission Valley
    There is a bunch of wild palm trees now growing at the corner of Fontes and Palm Av.
    The dried leaves are so large that they lietrally block the left turn visibility coming out of Fontes drive onto Palm Ave esp left turns.
    Needs immediate maintenance. Besides this I noticed one of the Palm tree is directly under electricity cables when I went to take a picture. This is soon to be an electrical hazard needing prompt attendance.
    Please fix and update