York County DOT

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Quan sát các vấn đề được tạo sau: 2011-04-08

Nhận Thông báo Về

  • 1475 Hollythorne - Rock Hill
    Ebinport Rd. in Rock Hill literally has more pot holes than every other road in Rock Hill. It is a main thorough fair between Cherry Rd and India Hook, which are two of Rock Hill's most busiest streets. Please help.
  • 601-837 State Road S-46-962 Rock Hill, SC 29732, USA - Newport
    w. oak has not been repaved in over 15 years. everytime it rains it washes out and is extremley dangerous during heavy rain. many pot holes are left and it is patched time and again. 2 streets over near the high end houses they have repaved the whole road.
  • 100 Lakeview Drivw york, sc 29745, usa - York
    pot holes still not the streets is lakeview and woodland drive.