Groton, Ct, Public Works Dept Area

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Quan sát các vấn đề được tạo sau: 2009-10-07

Groton, CT, Public Works Dept. is notified by email

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  • 240 Oral School Rd Mystic, CT - Old Mystic
    It is hard to believe that this road is in the US. Talk about shovel ready... this road needs to be completely repaved.
  • 28 Shewville Rd Old Mystic, CT 06355 - Old Mystic
    Northbound on Shewville Rd. at intersection with N. Stonington Rd, the stop sign is hidden by vegetation. I almost ran the stop sign.
  • Poquonnock Rd Long Hill, CT - Long Hill
    Hit a pothole so bad last night while turning into the Groton Shoppers Mart Shopping Center. I was heading SE on Poquonnock Rd in the righthand lane and turning right into the entrence in front og the liquor store and CVS. The hole was right in the middle of the turn. I was traveling at a normal and safe speed and it still bounced my car so bad that I lost control for a second and almost hit oncoming traffic. This entire towns road suck. I have lived all over the country and never seen roads this bad, especially in a state with such ridiculously high taxes. Would never live here by choice.
  • 10 Groton Long Point Rd Noank, CT 06340 - Noank
    A Right Turn Lane is needed on State Road 215 for the northbound lane to expedite the large volume of traffic departing from Fitch High School. All the cars wanting to turn right onto Rt. 1 could then make a right turn on red. People are already doing it by passing illegally on the right, which is dangerous. It looks like there is enough room to add the lane.
  • 809 Gold Star Highway Conning Towers-Nautilus Park, Connecticut, USA - New London County
    Several trees are down in copp park. Some have fallen over walking paths blocking common foot traffic.
  • 140 High Meadow Lane Mystic, CT - New London County
    the concrete surround and paving around two catch basins and a manhole cover have crumbled. as well as 19 of the 42 curb cuts on High Meadow lane. pdf images available separately. (seeclickfix does not provide for uploading pdf's)
  • Highland Ave Groton, Connecticut - Conning Towers-Nautilus Park

    We have taken damage from these potholes on more than one occasion, as they are hard to avoid with oncoming vehicles, or they catch you by surprise.
    They aren't hard to spot, they are very deep, and close to one another just as you take Highland ave to go to the Navy Lodge.
    On behalf of my family, The military families, and community of Groton...we would very much appreciate your consideration to have these filled.

    Thank you very much for your time!

    Aaron and Brooke Bechtol

  • 1023 Poquonnock Road Groton, CT - Long Hill

    On Saturday, February 27th, I was driving east along Route 1 in Groton at 2:30 PM. As I was passing the Stop and Go Transmission shop at 1023 Poquonnock Road (in front of the Big Y store), the car immediately in front of me veered suddenly to the left. I could quickly see why. In front of me were two chunks of what appeared to be chunks of dirty ice that had dropped off a car. This was a reasonable assumption since it had been snowing for days.

    I had three options: 1) run over the ice chunks, 2) veer to the left as well. Unfortunately there were oncoming cars, so that was not really an option. Option 3) straddle the chunks and hope for the best. I quickly opted for the third option. Unfortunately, these were not ice chunks, but large sections of the curb that had been torn up by a snow plow that ended up in right-center area of the driving lane.

    I pushed one of the curb-chunks to the side of the road so no one else would hit them. I then picked up the chunk that I hit. It is in my garage. I immediately drove my car into the Valvoline Center a block away leaking oil and smoke coming from under the car. The crew at Valvoline had me turn off the car immediately. They rolled the car into the shop and looked at the car from below. They reported a huge hole in the crushed oil pan which had also been shoved up into the transmission/engine area. This obviously rendered the car undrivable. The diagnosis is bleak. The official estimate comes to me tomorrow. This wil cost me AT LEAST $500 - which is my deductible.

  • 150 Lamphere Rd Mystic, CT - Old Mystic
    Next to 150 Lamphere rd lot was originally a proposed street and was a small paved street nub. The area was maintained by the town and not overgrown. In recent years the area has become overgrown and is not maintained. Vegetation has grown onto our property and now dumping by neighborhood residents is creating both a safety and health danger. The area needs to be cleaned out and once again maintained.
  • Rt. 1 At Allyn St. - Mystic
    Many cars eastbound on State Route 1 turn left here to get to I-95. The eastbound traffic is always backed up because of the volumn of westbound traffic coming from downtown Mystic. Adding a Left Turn Arrow for the eastbound traffic would alleviate this situation.
  • Warren Ave mystic, CT - New London County
    The first 2 street lights when first coming onto the street are out and have been for about 2 weeks.
  • 1100-1398 River Rd Mystic, CT, 06355, USA - Old Mystic
    River Rd is deteriorating badly causing dangerous hazards for cyclists. Hazards occur throughout this popular scenic corridor