Groton Public Works

Vấn đề Mở: 2 Vấn đề đã Đóng: 2 Vấn đề đã Ghi nhận: 0
Quan sát các vấn đề được tạo sau: 2009-08-30

West Mystic, Groton, CT
To report road, sidewalk and traffic issues.

Nhận Thông báo Về

  • Pothole Archived
    Fort Rachel Pl & Noank Rd Mystic, CT, 06355, USA - Mystic
    Increasing size and depth is a hazard
  • Rt. 1 At Allyn St. - Mystic
    Many cars eastbound on State Route 1 turn left here to get to I-95. The eastbound traffic is always backed up because of the volumn of westbound traffic coming from downtown Mystic. Adding a Left Turn Arrow for the eastbound traffic would alleviate this situation.
  • 1 Allyn St Mystic, CT 06355 - Mystic
    Uneven pavement on Allyn St. in southbound right turn lane north of intersection. It's been this way for much too long.
  • 132 Capstan Ave CT 06355 - New London County
    The sidewalk spanning the stretch of Capstan Avenue southeast of Old Evarts Ln is overrun with bushes and shrubs. There should normally be enough space for two people to walk side by side, but there is barely room for one. I would say that half the sidewalk is covered.