Ashland Park HOA

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Quan sát các vấn đề được tạo sau: 2020-06-05

Ashland Park HOA SeeClickFix Watch Area

Nhận Thông báo Về

  • 615 Doisy Ln Champaign IL 61822, United States - Champaign
    Area around storm drain has eroded and is threatening the integrity of the concrete storm drain. Cracks are developing.
  • 611 Newton Dr Champaign IL 61822, United States - Champaign
    Not so much a pothole, but a sinking piece of concrete pavement right in the middle of the road where tires and city busses constantly drive over A patch has been attempted previously but it would likely be best for this section of concrete to be re-poured The adjoining section also has a large crack and sinking portion
  • 413 Krebs Dr Champaign IL 61822, United States - Champaign
    Significant frost heave under street section. Needs sealing to prevent recurrence. Snowplows have damaged corners of section when it is pushed up. It recedes (mostly) after ground thaws.
  • 704 Bardeen Ln Champaign IL 61822, United States - Champaign
    Significant trip hazard
  • 415 Bardeen Ln Champaign IL 61822, United States - Champaign
    See picture
  • Bardeen Ln & Leggett Ln Champaign, IL, 61822, USA - Champaign
    This is less of a pothole (though it is one) and more of a concrete sinking area that's been patched with asphalt two times over the years, and the concrete under it continues to sink. It's never been a smooth patch, and it's in a place where it's impossible to avoid with the driver's side front tire when turning north onto Leggett Ln., which is frustrating. Recent weather has worsened it again. Ideally, the concrete should be removed in that spot and redone to avoid a continuation of the problem, as has been done with other problem spots in the neighborhood in the past.
  • Leggett Ln Champaign IL, United States - Champaign
    This section of concrete began slipping years ago and was patched with some asphalt which also long ago failed. It’s exactly at the point where car and bus tires hit it as they turn, only making it worse. Would be great if it could be properly fixed with new concrete in that section, as was the fix at a nearby intersection just feet away at Bardeen and Toalson several years ago. Thanks!
  • 709 Newton Dr Champaign IL 61822, United States - Champaign
    The corner of this section of concrete in the middle of the road between 709 and 710 Newton Dr. broke apart at least a couple years ago I’d say and has been slowly getting worse, sinking lower. Difficult to avoid it, too.
  • 413 Krebs Dr Champaign IL 61822, United States - Champaign
    Frost heave has lifted street section 2"