Cape St. Claire

Vấn đề Mở: 24 Vấn đề đã Đóng: 2.239 Vấn đề đã Ghi nhận: 182
Quan sát các vấn đề được tạo sau: 2018-01-02

Cape St Claire

Nhận Thông báo Về

  • 1186 Neptune Place 21409 - Cape St. Claire
    Very low water pressure.
  • 1212 Green Holly Drive Annapolis Md - Cape St. Claire
    Trash, chemical bottles etc have been piled outside of this homes gate near the street for months. We neighbors have asked that they clear this up, yet nothing changes.
  • 1328 Swan Dr Annapolis Maryland - Cape St. Claire
    2 untagged cars, one with a broken back window with a blue tarp partially covering it and a tree on top of it. The other is in the driveway but also with expired tags. They have both been there for at least 8 years and nothing has been done about this eyesore.
  • 1161 Hampton Rd Annapolis, MD, 21409, USA - Cape St. Claire
    They are running a generator in an enclosed shed continuously for months. The power is cut off to the house. Please have someone check the safety. There is debris everywhere surrounding the shed.
  • 1021 Magothy Park Lane 21409 - Cape St. Claire
    House is surrounded by trash.
  • 1114 River Bay Rd Annapolis, MD, 21409, USA - Cape St. Claire
    We have had standing water here for months. The culvert on the other side dead ends here, so the water has no where to go. Please come add a new culvert and drain this water away. Thank you!
  • 1210 Southview Dr Annapolis, MD 21409, USA - Cape St. Claire
    Trees blocking stop sign. Please trim back before schools starts. This is the intersection behind Broadneck high school where student cross and cars unload at a 3-way intersection. This is a possible hazard to the students and the county crossing guard.
  • 1162 Glenwood Dale Cape St. Claire, MD 21409, United States of America - Cape St. Claire
    Trees over growing into street. Narrowing street making for unsafe 2-way traffic on limited sight distance hill.
  • 1085 Little Magothy View Cape St. Claire, MD 21409, United States of America - Cape St. Claire
  • 1107 Little Magothy View Annapolis, Maryland - Cape St. Claire
    There is an old refrigerator on the front lawn with the doors still on, sitting next to a dumpster that has been there for several months. I believe the law states that doors must be off.
  • 1122 Little Magothy View Annapolis 21409, United States - Cape St. Claire
    Storm water at the corner of 1122 little magothy view has been an on going problem for 10+ years. The county has only tried very minimal patch repairs that have failed. This has destroyed the private driveway, flooded the yard and ultimately all the soiled water makes it way into the little magothy River. The road of little magothy is a joke and only gets patch repairs while other streets in cape have been re paced several times. Little magothy is one of the higher tax payers in the cape. This needs to be fixed ASAP.
  • 710 Hillcrest Dr Annapolis, MD, 21409, USA - Cape St. Claire
    Rodents and mice detected due to unkempt house, yard and trash left outside regularly