Oakland Public Works PLUS

Vấn đề Mở: 4 Vấn đề đã Đóng: 29 Vấn đề đã Ghi nhận: 21
Quan sát các vấn đề được tạo sau: 2017-05-24

39th Street between Adeline Street and Market Street. Zipcode 94608. Longfellow District in Oakland, CA..

Nhận Thông báo Về

  • 1001 39th St Emeryville, CA, 94608, USA - Longfellow
    Large semi-truck parked in front of my home. 1001 39th street. Over 10k lbs. taking 3 spots.
  • 941 39th St Oakland 94608, United States - Longfellow
    Underground utilities have subsided or collapsed, leaving two shallow but sharp-edged ditches that run across the road
  • 3873 Market St Emeryville, CA, 94608, USA - Longfellow
    Abandoned car, no tags, no plates, no seats.
  • 965 39th St Emeryville, CA, 94608, USA - Longfellow
    Downed tree limbs blocking sidewalk, driveway, street parking.
  • 993 39th St Oakland 94608, United States - Longfellow
    Parked in front of 3 residences, 2 Are Triplexes, 2 have no off street parking taking up 4-5 residential parking spaces. Yesterday morning they had it parked in the middle of the street blocking in residents. And had a dumpster taking up 2 more spaces. They refused to move it. They put out a parking sign for 1 day for one space, with less than 24 hours notice.
  • 1033 39th St Oakland, CA 94608, USA - Longfellow
    shopping cart
  • 1047 39th St Oakland CA 94608, United States - Longfellow
    Chain link razor wire fence has collapsed and is blocking the sidewalk. Also: is razor wire allowed on private property?
  • Sidewalk - Damage Acknowledged
    958 39th St Emeryville, California, 94608 - Longfellow
    The tree roots from the city planted magnolia tree have caused * significant * damage to the sidewalk, and exacerbated by the recent storms. This is an ADA issue and I worry that there will be severe injury.
  • 1033 39th St Oakland, CA 94608, USA - Longfellow
    Safeway cart filled with garbage.
  • 967 39th St Emeryville, CA, 94608, USA - Longfellow
    OMI kids ditched this Safeway grocery cart on the street.
  • 3873 Market St Emeryville, California, 94608 - Longfellow
    Dumped buckets of liquid
  • 1047 39th St Emeryville, California, 94608 - Longfellow
    SHARP RAZOR BLADE BARBED WIRE LAYING FLAT ACROSS PUBLIC SIDEWALK. Seemingly abandoned lot fence has been down for over a week and my blind partner almost sliced her leg up on it. This could easily seriously injure someone at night since the area is poorly lit and the barbed razor blade fence sticks out at ankle level across most of the sidewalk.