Mayors office

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Quan sát các vấn đề được tạo sau: 2017-03-19

Southwest Yonkers

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  • 72 Main St Yonkers, New York, 10701 - Yonkers
    The bar noise is becoming a problem. I live across the street at 66 Main Street Yonkers NY. The music is loud. I have to turn my TV up to hear it. Crowds outside the bar are noisy and it attracts drivers to come and post in front of the bar with their car doors open playing music. I am cool with people enjoying themselves but this issue is occurring on a weekend sometimes weekday basis in reference to loud noise. I call the cops it helps a little and I call the bar Francey Brady's and it help sometimes. Can the city of Yonkers control this issue? It's disturbing the peace of good night sleep in a great area.
  • 499 Van Cortlandt Park Ave Yonkers, NY, 10705, USA - Yonkers
  • 530 Riverdale Ave Yonkers, NY, 10705, USA - Yonkers
    For weeks now we have several potholes on Riverdale Ave that are only getting bigger by the day.
  • 19 Hawthorne Ave Yonkers, NY, 10701, USA - Yonkers
    Opposite 19 Hawthorne ave before Driveway yo Shop Rote there s an 18” hole about 12” deep. Can you please fill it in.
  • Prospect St Yonkers, New York - Yonkers

    For the past 3 weeks there is no street light on either side of Prospect St. It is pitch dark and for those that have to wait for the bus on either side during the morning or evening return home at the bus stop are inconvenienced. The bus drivers have to spot us in the dark and we have to watch were we are walking especially when there might be black ice.

    Please fix the street light.