City of Keller

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Quan sát các vấn đề được tạo sau: 2015-10-18

City of Keller Public Officials

Nhận Thông báo Về

  • 658-668 Keller Pkwy Keller, TX 76248, USA - Keller
    Traffic light at this intersection turns red without any traffic on the intersecting North/South Road. I notice it every morning!
  • 1301 Madera Ct Keller, TX 76248, USA - Keller
    There is a section of road that has seperated due to ground movement. The crack in the road has grass growing up through it. This seperation has caused me to almost flip my motor vehicle while in transit. This needs to be fixed before someone dies. I can only imagine what would happen if an out of towner came through on a motorcycle and got caught up in it. Please fix this issue before someone gets hurt or killed.
  • 600 Vasey Oak Dr Keller, TX 76248, USA - Keller
    Roots of tree in right of way pushing up sidewalk...ADA issue
  • 1101 Bear Creek Pkwy Keller, TX 76248, USA - Keller
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  • 5860 N Tarrant Pkwy Fort Worth, TX - Keller
    For the past several days the light heading west on N. Tarrant Pkwy doesn't seem to be long enough. I'm having to sit through 4 and 5 lights to cross over 377. Tonight (7:30ish) maybe 4 cars from both lanes got through each green light. 8 cars per light is not enough with that being such a high traffic area. The other night, same intersection except turning left onto N. Tarrant from 377 was very messed up with no arrow to turn before the other 3 lanes get the green light heading north. At the end an arrow would show and only 1 car got through. I think that has been corrected, but I wonder if that has anything to do with the west bound lights now. It would be greatly appreciated by not only me if the west bound light could be a bit longer. Thanks!
  • 1720 Sawtooth Oak Trail Keller, TX 76248, USA - Keller
  • 1701 Chase Oaks Dr Keller, TX 76248, USA - Keller
    Sidewalk has sunk about 3-4" below curb.
  • Bluebonnett Keller Texas - Keller
    I would like to see the city fix the concrete around the drainage culverts that cross bluebonnet and also meadowbrook lane. There is a terible lip where the concrete meets. This is causing damage to peoples vehicles especially when they drive over them everyday.
  • 923 Ottinger Road Keller, Texas - Keller
    This light has been out for over a year. I have tried to report this before but it remains out. I work for the FAA and have responsibility for the Radar site adjacent to this light pole. Contact me if access to the grounds are need.
  • 1700 Rufe Snow Dr Keller, TX 76248, USA - Keller
    ADA issue...wheels can get stuck in exposed entrance into commercial property