Borough of Audobon

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Quan sát các vấn đề được tạo sau: 2009-12-23

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  • 101 W Nicholson Rd Audubon, NJ 08106, USA - Audubon
    There is a large pot hole on Nicholson Road, underneath the train tressel, headed toward the White Horse Pike.
  • Nicholson Road Audubon, NJ 08106 - Audubon

    The biggest pothole under the train trestle just past Atlantic
    Avenue near the White Horse Pike on Nichlson Road in Audubon, NJ

    Cannot see it because it
    is either filled with water or
    too dark.

  • 353-399 W Nicholson Rd Audubon, NJ 08106, USA - Audubon
    from Nicholson Rd. at Atlantic Ave. up to White Horse Pike in Audubon, there are nothing BUT potholes, and since they are filled with water, you don't know they are there until you hit them.
  • Huge Crater Archived
    Village Ct Audubon, NJ 08106, USA - Audubon
    There is a huge poth hole on NIcholson Road that I drove into last night on way home from Wal-Mart shopping center. In the dark it's not clearly visible.
  • 71 E Lake Dr Audubon, NJ 08106, USA - Audubon
    Power line pole on E Lake Drive on Audubon is split. Number on the pole is 61536AU
  • 2-10 Newton Ave Audubon, NJ 08106, USA - Audubon
    Horrible Pot Hole!
  • Corner Pine And Hopkins - Audubon
    The trees block the sight of the driver going North on Pine Street trying to turn onto Hopkins Avenue
  • S Davis Ave Audubon - Audubon
    all of south davis ave in audubon needs to be replaced.they fix roads here that aren't half as bad as this one but don't give this one any attention and everyone on the street doesn't understand why.
  • Audubon - Audubon
    Audubon, at the corner of Audubon and Outer, facing Harper. Silver Ford Taurus, looks like it was pulled out of the bottom if a lake!
  • 416 Wyoming Ave Camden County, Audubon, NJ, NJ - Audubon
    Power went out Monday at 8pm