Chapel Lake Estates HOA

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Quan sát các vấn đề được tạo sau: 2022-05-16

We have city streets and sidewalks that buckle and cause tripping hazards. Please take a pic and report address.

Nhận Thông báo Về

  • 18457 Nw 13th St Pembroke Pines, FL, 33029, USA - Pembroke Pines
    This sidewalk hazard was reported and closed by the city in March of 2022. Sidewalk still broken and trip hazard.
  • 1060 Nw 185th Ave Pembroke Pines, Florida, 33029 - Pembroke Pines
    sidewalk is lifting due to tree roots. It is a hazard most of the time but especially at night when people are out for a stroll.
  • 1160 Nw 185th Ave Pembroke Pines FL 33029, United States - Pembroke Pines
    Large bee hive infesting nearby owners and stinging walkers Tree is in City swale 1150 NE 185 Ave 33029