Jeff Smith

  • 67 Gillies Rd Hamden, CT, 06517, USA - Spring Glen
    Scheduled recycling pickup today appears to have been missed as of now (4:15pm, Mon 1-18-21)
  • Tree Removal & Trimming Đã lưu trữ
    Hamden CT - Hamden_Feature 001
    For months the diseased and dying town-maintained maple tree on the easement strip in front of 75 Gillies Rd. has been raining down very large pieces of debris. Yesterday's came down with a loud crack in the middle of the street and represented a fireplace-size log that would have caused serious injury or worse to anyone who happened to be under it, or major damage to any car driving by. Utility lines also are likely to be affected. My next-door neighbor at #75, Veronica Buczynski, had been trying for a long time without results to get this hazard removed.It has to go now!